Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Joe's story

In class we are reading Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. I'm not through it yet, but it has been very hard to put down. This afternoon one of the parts that I read about was the story of Joe's childhood. I won't describe it here, in case you haven't read it yet. I was completely shocked at the story and my heart really went out to his poor mother. I can't believe that Joe, to that day (in the story) defended his father saying he had a heart.

I think of similar stories in today's world, about women who try to get away and can't. And then people are afraid to house them for fear of their own lives, or making a scene, and that's how women in domestic violence end of dead.

Last week I read a story of a local woman who was beaten to disfigurement by her husband. It is a miracle that she escaped alive. From the pictures, it was hard to tell if she still had her left eye or not. I don't understand how men can resort to such violence. I mean, intellectually, I've read papers, textbooks, seen movies in class and I still don't get it. Even after being in a relationship with an extremely controlling and verbally, mentally and sexually abusive man, I don't understand how they can do that. Except that they are heartless, confused victims themselves. That is no excuse though.

And my heart goes out to Joe, for he has married someone just like his father. And he won't leave. And his wife won't change. And poor Pip has to bear the brunt of it.

On another level, I can't understand how Mrs. Joe can do that to her husband. She is supposedly a Christian in the novel. Hasn't she read 1 Peter and Titus???? How can she do that to her husband? How can he take it? How can he allow it to happen to Pip, except perhaps with the understanding that her wrath will come his way if he sticks up for Pip.

I realize all my questions are big, and probably without answers. Frustrating. Of course, I think the answers are in the Bible - but not every person is a Christian, and not even every Christian understands certain Godly principles such as love and respect, especially for one's spouse. And you can't force beliefs on anyone. They have to chose for themselves who they will serve.

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